

Visual design Adverts

Electronic Arts video game adverts collection 5


Electronic Arts



Role in project


Activities and tools

Visual design Photoshop Flash


2010 - 2012

A collection of video game adverts for Electronic Arts

I was responsible for designing and animating the flash banners and static banners.

Reckoning advert

Reckoning advert

Reckoning advert

Video capture of the original flash banner (please click to play)

The Saboteur

The Saboteur advert

The Saboteur advert

Video capture of the original flash banner (please click to play)

The Saboteur advert

The Saboteur advert

Video capture of the original flash banner (please click to play)

Shadows of the Damned

Shadows of the Damned advert

Shadows of the Damned advert

Video capture of the original flash banner (please click to play)

Shadows of the Damned advert

Shadows of the Damned advert

Video capture of the original flash banner (please click to play)


Syndicate advert

Syndicate advert

Video capture of the original flash banner (please click to play)

Syndicate advert

Syndicate advert

Video capture of the original flash banner (please click to play)